

Healed children

How God answered my prayer when we had problems with our children. Problem gone after lots of searching and one prayer.

For the safety of children, I will not indicate the year in which this took place. You will also understand the essence. The son, once he had grown out of pampers, was able to stay dry with his pants during the day, and the bed stayed wet after night. And so almost every night. Maybe a year or less. And the daughter was screaming in her sleep. Nightmares was dreaming or something, at least she would say nightmares. Starts screaming at night, eyes at one point like made from glass staring and until you wake her up until that she screamed. She woke everyone up with her screams. If our son woke up, he would have a very hard time getting sleep again. It took a long time to hold by hand and so on. It happened that even twice a night the daughter started screaming during sleep. It was cruel, tired unreal. And so a year or more. She was born in the fall, so we would not be baptized at once. At first I thought about it, but we were baptized in the summer and nothing changed. At first it was about to start screaming at about 3 p.m. At exactly the same time. Then 2.30, then 2.00, then 1.30, then 1.00, then 0.30. My wife says I couldn’t fall asleep in the evening anymore because I knew 0.30 would have to get up already. It was cruel, tired without normal sleep. We got a little conflicts with my wife too, because of this or because we were tired. I started looking for weapons of spiritual warfare to solve the problem. I was looking for what the exorcists were saying, what they were saying about things like this, whether something like that was bothering us with spirits, or physiology. And one day I caught up with a video of exorcist Chad Ripperger explaining that for those who have teenagers at home who don’t listen to them or are in bad company, it is very helpful to bless a house with holy water and the name of Jesus once a month or once a week. To drive out spirits that afflict, to bind spirits that keep their children attached to bad company, and so on. And he pointed out the wording, how to do it, when to do it, what to do, and so on. All the nuances were told. And I decided to try to adapt to my problem. Walking around the apartment and blessing, I said, “In the name of Jesus, I will bind all the spirits who come to our family to harm us, to bother us, for every knee will fall before the name of Jesus, I will bind that bed wetting let the daughter scream in her sleep go out, and let all those spirits who are troubling us go away in the name of Jesus. ” I no longer remember or directly mention the relationship with my wife, but after that prayer I forgot about it for exactly a week, and a week later I realized that during that week my son never got wet bed and we slept normally because my daughter never screamed during sleep. And it’s been a few years since then (for the safety of the children, I’m not saying exact), but the night screams never happened again, son, maybe in the first year he left the wet bed once, but it didn’t happen again. Maybe he had a lot of fluids before sleep, then maybe he had bad dream, but it don’t mean anymore. Compared to what it was, it’s zero. And my wife felt changed. The conflicts were over, the tension. Then I promised myself that once a month or a week, or after some conflict, or whenever I remember, I would bless the house again, bind the spirits that would bother us and thus defend the family, from the spiritual attacks. Jesus is alive and working today, not just 2,000 years ago. To him be honor and glory for ever and ever. Thank you Jesus for not leaving us in trouble. My heart is rejoicing in Thee, O LORD, thanks and praise shall be always to Thee upon my lips. Hallelujah and amen.

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