

Incident in the basement, security shield

Everything took place somewhere in 2014-2015 or maybe earlier. I was tidying basement in an apartment building, I was preparing to take out the rubbish, some kind of box. Suddenly I heard a drunk man running into the basement with a bang and a noise. I got out of the corner to see what was going on here, it screamed at me, “Hey You, come here.” I didn’t go to him, but I went to handle the trash. He might have thought that I was running away from him, that I was hiding and I heard that he had taken great strides towards me. Well, I didn’t think I will escape, there will definitely be “show” here. I locked my room in the basement and put on leather gloves. Meanwhile, that man, about my age, came to me quickly. Wearing gloves, I took the box to throw out in both hands, and one thought was in my head: “Just touch me, hook me up and I’ll start fighting, I’ll give it back, I’ll really beat the drunken drunk.” But to my great surprise, when that man came to me, he was a completely different man: he spoke kindly, aggression not to smell, I carried my box outside, he opened the door for me, but I was “ready to fight,” just waiting for the spark and when to “shoot”. I didn’t understand what was happening there at the time, but that event had been on my mind for a few years and still didn’t make it forget. I wanted to understand what was happening there then. I didn’t understand it until I started attending the Business Man Fellowship’s meetings, watching testimonies, and into one such testimony about the conversion of former warlock John Ramirez to Christianity, he told that as he approached the young people glorifying God on the street, as if by some force pushed him back, he was not allowed to enter and none of his magic worked, and he was a famous witch all his quarter, maybe even the whole city was afraid of him, I don’t remember well, he thought I would crush those little children into dust, but like a ring of invisible fire surrounded them. He failed to stop them and decided to do something “more useful”. I thought about it, and the understanding came that God was protecting me that day. The man approached me, and the spirit of aggression remained behind the “field of protection”. And every day protects, and there is nothing to fear for me, no calamity will reach me unless I commit sin, but I need to apologize quickly to God, reconcile, and all will be well again. He is our shield, shelter, and all possible protection. Thanks to Him alone and praise for that. May us loving God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, protect all of us. Hallelujah and amen.

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