

Prayer in Daliukas field and prophecy 10-09-2018, dream before Christmas 2018

How God answered to my prayer, gave me prophecy and fulfilled it in all most 2 years and it is still going. God prophesied that will be drought for one more year and after that will be good years, that bank will come to my doors to ask to get back loan earlier, but God saved my farm from destroying it and even God managed that bank won’t attack me in any way and I will live in these days in inner peace.

A year ago, we planted a third of our land with peas in the hope that we would have the money we needed to repair the house, but the autumn was spontaneously rainy, 2 months of rain amount fell in 2 weeks (150mm) and all our peas flattened to the ground and we couldn’t take them, we suffered heavy losses. The following year was drougth, again with only half the harvest, and again the year was loss-making. So in that context I cultivated the field near Daliukas and it was full of weeds. And when I had lost my patience, I began to complain to God, and to pray in these words: “God, why is it so difficult for us to farm, the land only grows a weeds, again next year there will be nothing good in this field and how much will be needed to work until we restore this field, why we are not succeed here. When you put in cultivator, it gets stuck, you put it on the saddle again, you get up, you scrape the grass, you get off the saddle again, pure misery. As much trouble, as possible. it doesn’t work that way. Why, God, for what? Well yes, there is something for it. I am sinful, my brother does not believe in you. Surely there is something for You, but, God, You are not ruthless, is it that you do not forgive me through my confession, you know all my weaknesses, all my imperfections, and you do punish me, us anyway. Well, my brother doesn’t believe in You, his field is here, but, God, if 10 righteous people are enough to save the whole city, why it is not enough only me, my righteousness, to save my brother and our common farm. Well, my righteousness is questionable, I commit sins, but, God, can a man not do them, and I often go to confession, and if even that is not enough, even if Jesus does not cleanse me enough of them, if even with Jesus’ help I do not become acceptable to You, and I am worth only punishment and misery, so who should expect those who do not believe in you at all, and if you are so strict, no one will be right against You, but I do not believe that you are such a God who created so much people to turn everyone into hell. The Scriptures say that you are a merciful God who forgives, loves, that it is not possible that you will not have mercy on us, that you will not forgive us our sins, and that you will continue to afflict us continuesly? ” And so I prayed with tears and without them, somewhere 2-3 hours. I spoke to God as a monologue and I prayed and suddenly, like the rain from a clear sky, the phone rang. The wife called. Says: “daughter has 40 * C, go home.” “Okay, I said, God, you want to stop my whimper, so I’m going.” I came home. The wife had already called the family doctor and given our daughter more paracetamol and the temperature had already dropped. It was that I came back unnecessarily. God wanted to stop my whimpering and stopped. Then, in the evening, when we have already lay the children into the beds, I thought, I will read bible, but I will not read the scripture where I have finished, I said, O God, open thee, O LORD, whatsoever thou wilt that I should read. I push anywhere, I put my finger on the bible app on my tablet and I read. It was revealed in Isaiah 37: 26-38. I read and don’t understand anything. It writes, “Do you rest, come or go, or be angry with me! I know everything.” I thought, “Well, God, am I angry at you? I’m just complaining about trouble, am I angry?” I did not understood anything. I read further 29 Because you have raged against me and your complacency has come to my ears, I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth, and I will turn you back on the way
by which you came. ” Well, I think, “God will put a hook on me and kill me, you want that to say? you are not merciful, Ok then, put the hook in, I cried, I had no more words, ”I don’t understand if the words are here for me or not for me. Sadness covered me, my heart ached, tears came, I think I needed to open ones more, maybe God would say more clearly. The meaning of these words remained hidden from me for 5 months. I scrolled more few pages and where I stopped, started to read. It was revealed in Isaiah 40: 27-31. And here BINGO is truly to me. “27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, “My way is hidden from the Lord, and my right is disregarded by my God”? 28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. 29 He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. 30 Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; 31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Well, I think, “here really for me, here really targeted, like with finger into the eye.” I no longer have the strength to walk, the path of life is almost ruined, but I trust in the Lord, and he will surely renew my strength. After reading these last verses, at one point such joy rushed in and did not leave for a whole month. As soon as I thought about my prayer and as God answered, it flooded me again and again. I flew in the clouds all month. Only then, when I testified at the meeting of Business Man Fellowship, did that joy fade and not recur. I thought, since the last verse was so accurate, the first could not be not from God. The next day I started studying them as well. There was a sign that “this year you shall eat what grows of itself” and there was a drought that year and we only reaped half the normal harvest on the farm. I think this could be the sign. “in the second year (eat) what springs from that”. God had just prophesied one more year of drought, but I didn’t thought about that. In the second year of 2019, a better harvest than before, because we sowed more winter sorts, but still prices lower, drought and the result as a year ago. So God foretold me in the fall of 2018 that 2019 would be dry too. “Then in the third year sow and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat their fruit” the prophecy of the third year offered hope, but it was not yet clear how things would turn out. Now I can say that the third year sign has come true too. 2020 was a year of average income and we recovered slightly from the drought. Somewhere in 2019, in February, washing in the shower came the realization that in those first verses the prophecy, Sennacherib is the BANK, and for the bank, not for me, God will put the hook in, and besiege in the way he came. “33 Therefore thus says the Lord concerning the king of Assyria: He shall not come into this city or shoot an arrow there or come before it with a shield or cast up a siege mound against it. 34 By the way that he came, by the same he shall return, and he shall not come into this city, declares the Lord. 35 For I will defend this city to save it, for my own sake and for the sake of my servant David.” So God will protect me and my farm will not be torn apart and so on. I will not be attacked by bailiffs, nor will I have to defend myself in court, nor will the sale of land (it is not written that the city area will be lost) nor will the bank accounts be arrested. In other words, God promised to defend. All you have to do is to stand in the faith for 5 years ahead and take the steps you need for the banks. And I have stood. In September 2019, the bank where the loan was taken out said it wanted me to repay it ahead of time because of the drought, bad economic indicators and the bank thinks I won’t be able to give it back, it needs to be grabbed while there’s something to grab. Allowed to return within 2 years. It would have been difficult for me to give it back in 10 years, because there are not always good harvests, but here are two. No chances. Allowed me to select a payment schedule. I asked let me to start paying only from the new harvest and arranged the installments in such a way that the next good year would be good balances and I would refinance the loan in another bank because there was no opportunity to refinance with another bank that year because I had bad balances and did not have money for the refinancing procedure. I tried, but non of any bank agreed. And to my surprise, they liked my “good minded” schedule, they said we didn’t go into the schedule much, the management confirmed it and Ok. Well, I think, “Thank You, God.” The road is open, there will be peace for one year, there will be no need to look for any extra work or something to plug the financial holes. In other words everything goeth according to the word of God, according to the God’s plan. No man is coming upon me with shields, neither shoot arrows at me, nor the siege is made, rejoice in life, give thanks to God, give Him honor and glory. Then a year later, as I mentioned, 2020 was a year of average income, and I was already confirmed by my other bank to refinance the loan, I already had enough money for the refinancing procedure. Of course, it cost me a lot of money, the interests increased, but the farm remained untuched, undamaged, but all land was made as pledge to the banks. I could easier to breathe. It was only necessary to pray for the good years that followed to suffice for all the loans paid off from the farm finances, because the level was really terribly high. Instead of 10 years, the loan was obtained for 6 years, getting better than 2 years. In a word, God has almost fulfilled His prophecy, the promise to defend. All that is left now is to pay the contributions on time so that the farm can provide the income it needs in time, and so on. But I am confident that God will give wise decisions if nature or the economy were to catch up, to put everything together to keep everyone happy. 2021 was a year of normal income. For the loans were enough, God keeps His promise. It is not known what the next year will be, fertilizers have risen in price 4 times, fuel by 50%, it is true that grain has also risen in price, but no one knows whether those grains will be there. You will have to trust God.

To Be Continued…

When I think about it, God warned me again, that house could slaughter the farm, but I didn’t understood. It was only later that I realized this when the bank “knocked on the door.”

A dream before Christmas 2018.
Anyway, I don’t follow dreams and I don’t pay attention to them, but when a dream gets stuck in your mind and doesn’t let it be scraped out, it means something.

When I didn’t want to ask God anything in the Bible to answer, because of a difficult situation in my mind or about a farm, I had a dream. We were driving from the old Elmininkai village, my brother wanted to show something. We drove like a car without a roof, like a motorcycle with a trailer, some kind of narrow road. On the left was a forest, and on the right a cliff a few dozen meters down into the lake. The road was terribly driven, ruts, dirt, pitted and very narrow. I looked over my brother’s shoulder and it turned out to me that one of our wheels was already on the side of the abyss, but we didn’t collapse. I had a big panic not to fall over. The view of the lake was very beautiful, like a fjord in Norway, only not the mountains, but cliffs like Lithuanian, sand, forests on the shores. We drove to the place where the house was being built. Seemingly classical architecture, but not yet finished, only the walls, windows and roof. But behind that house there was an even more beautiful view of another lake as well. Again a view of the fjord. On the other shore, small houses could be seen far and wide. Looking at the view on both sides, it was clear that the house was being built in an exclusive location, only the access was very dirty and it would not be that there would ever be a super house-villa here. For some reason I thought my house was here. And the dream is over. Now I realize that because of my house, my farm was hanging over a cliff and there was a chance to collapse because I was taken bad loans, but only God saved me.

The moral is this: While looking at Jesus, you may go like Peter in the water and not drown, but if you turn your gaze away from God and focus on the waves, the wind (your situation, the size of the loans in my case, the drought income), you may get scared and really drown, will choke on the “water” of that situation. But there are no impossible things for God, he has all solutions to the problem, all the answers, and nothing bad can happen with him. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Rom 8:28 Thank God for Thy love, and for your mercy, that Thou wilt not leave us alone in our trouble, but hearest the cry of our salvation. To Thee, O Father, Son and Holy Ghost, be honor, glory, and praise.

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