

God withholds the rain in Bogdziunas field in 2019

We have been cutting Bogdžiūnas field and it reported rain all over Lithuania. According to the forecasts, such a tail should have passed through the whole of Lithuania and we could not have avoided it without rain. I do not know the number of trailers that was filled up that day, or how much was left from the field: but as I remember now, my brother harvested, and I go out of the farm. Well, I think, “I won’t pray while cloud won’t go through the lagoon yet. if it pass over the lagoon, I will pray. I drove to the field and I see: the cloud has crossed the lagoon and comes strait to us and will surely cover us. I can already see that there will be, so black, so black, really lots of rain is coming. And I began to pray, “God, I pray you, send rain to other fields that need rain, which we won’t yet reap, so that the rain doesn’t fall on the fields we need to reap now. I got out of the tractor for “rain control” to know how much rain we will get. I see, the rain cloud started to turn from us towards the village and the lagoon, through one edge of our field, and the other part somewhere 1/3, 1/4 of the cloud passed through the other side, bypassing our field. On the village and the lagoon the biggest rain was, so heavily rained that gray all over. Rain beaker at home, showed somewhere 10 mm of rain, which is really a lot. Then, after passing through our field, the cloud began to spin at a distance of about 1 – 2 km and walk around our field to recover to the former trajectory it had walked before my prayer. That rain wave passed, but when another rain wave came, I prayed, but my request was not answered and we were driven home. Thank God for both. It was an amazing experience with God. There was such a terrible black cloud, but he acted, like a small child. Our words, uttered with faith, have astonishing power in the ear of God. It is beautiful to see clouds overtake your fields like scalded. I will not forget those experiences with clouds. When I pray and then stand for half an hour and watch the miracle happen before your eyes and your heart rejoices that God is doing so. The heart is filled with indescribable joy. I want everyone to experience the joy of a relationship with God. Be blessed in the name of Jesus. All glory to Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

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