

God withholds the rain in the field of Pakšiai around 2017-2018

It has been reported during forecasts that about 8-9 p.m. it will rain in the evening and we have been cutting the field of Pakšiai and wanted to finish it because it was the last field of that grain sort. We finish cutting one sort, then with no rush take all grain in the warehouses for sale to clean up and get ready for another sort until everything in the fields dries up. We had let it dry for a few days before, and so we were in a hurry to cut it now. I prayed to God that we could finish cutting that field. I no longer remember exactly how I prayed, but I asked him to withhold the rain. He did so. It stopped the rain until we cut the whole field. And there was such a strong wind, so strong. And everyone knows if there is a strong wind, it brings something. At the end, the wind blew from the cloud, like before heavy rain. We cut somewhere until 11 p.m. until nightfall and after. When, according to forecasts, it had to rain at 8-9 in the evening. When we finished cult, I covered the trailer, pulled it to the road. I managed to drive about 50 m and as it started to rain so heavily that the wipers hardly were able to clean, I thought maybe it will be necessary to stop altogether, because nothing was seen, it was raining so heavily. God certainly stopped the rain on our field to the minute precision, and when we were done, it immediately opened the “sluice, in full capacity.” Thank God for stopping the rain when we needed it. He takes care of the little things, when we ask for it. He is no stranger to our earthly worries. You alone worth all the glory and honor, and praise, To the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen and hallelujah.

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