

Slap 2018 spring

I was just after illnesses, after a miraculous cure from 38.5 * C. I cultivated the field in Pyragiai and at the beginning, in the first roundabouts around the field, I see the long stick lies in the corner and interferes with cultivation. I should get out of tractor and drop it to the side. And so I think, get Dressed or not, and the cold wind blows outside, and I only drive with t-shirt, because it’s warm in the tractor, but I think I’ll jump out for 10 seconds and it’s all over. I jumped out with one t-shirt, dropped the bow and went with all speed in again. I ran up and looked at something in front of the tractor and didn’t see the wind blowing the door and closing it, and how I hit that door with all my force with my shoulder and ear. The first thought came to mind: “slap from God,” and the second thought was, “I’m healing here, healing, and he’s running naked again,” but the second thought probably wasn’t from God, but my imagination, because God doesn’t blame anything, though Bible says, Hebrews 12: 7 “God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?” And such joy overflowed me, that God could touch man in this way as well. He controlled the wind with such precision, a millimeters, blown to the millimeters. Then maybe for another 3 hours I was in that joy. It hurt my ear for maybe 3 hours and my shoulder for maybe 2 days. Thank you God for talking to me even that way. There are all kinds of communication with God, you just need to “listen with your ears open” and hear. Whatever the experience, sometimes it is gratifying when God speaks to you from beyond this reality. An indescribable feeling, what thoughts then run through my mind. Joy, you won’t call it anything else. You need to experience this. I wish everyone to make contact, a close relationship with our God. Life will be in a completely different color than you are used to. God bless everybody efforts to discover You. “but when in their distress they turned to the Lord, the God of Israel, and sought him, he was found by them”. 2 Chronicles 15: 4

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