

Swallow management

How through my prayer, God forbade swallows to build nests on my newly repaired house.

It all started maybe in the spring of 2019, when we repaired the outside of the house, warmed up, put on structural plaster. After a while, the swallows began to nest on it. They sink again and again, they sink again. Out of 10 or 11 windows they covered 6 and in several places like a machine gun shot the walls a few meters. If that it would be on the barn I would say nothing, but a newly renovated house, that’s too much. I scrambled, scrambled, I said maybe they would get tired, but I got tired of scratching every few days. I decided to try prayer. I say if prayer works on clouds, if it works on children, it must work on swallows as well. I said, “In the name of Jesus I will bind swallows, or any spirit that rules over them, or any spirit that has come to destroy my property, go away from my property and stop harming me again, I forbid you in the name of Jesus.” Somehow I prayed similarly. After a while I watch them load anyway. Well I guess I won’t give up standing until victory. Once again I prayed with the same words, scraped everything away and left. I no longer need a third time that year to pray, swallows no longer built their nests. And swallows usually hatch children twice a year, at least in my mother’s barn. The next year, somehow I didn’t think to pray before the season that those swallows wouldn’t build their nests, and they started in spring again, well, I’m wondering what’s that going here. How much they will get dirty here. I wiped everything out, praying again with the same or similar words. And in 2020, swallows no longer built nests on my house. Then next year, in the winter of 2021, while it was still snowing, I decided to pray in the same words to put an end to it, even before it started. I prayed and in 2021 I didn’t needed to clean my house of swallow nests. Matthew 17:20 “if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you”. Where else can the name of Jesus be used, in what problems. Clearly, he will not give money as much as we imagine we need to have comfort, world glory, or things that would destroy us, divert us from eternal destiny, or be destined to harm others. But there are certainly untested areas about it that you don’t think God would work there either. It is interesting to live with God, he does not stop surprising. Thank You Jesus for Your love, for that relationship with You. That You that You save us from all difficulties. Thank You and praise, You deserve all the honor.

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