

First asking to God through the Bible in 2014-2015

I watched a movie about St. Francis of Assisi and his life (I didn’t find Clare and Francis the movie itself on youtube, but the one I found is the scene at the 2 min limit about Questioning God through bible) and he, St. Francis, in this way told his friends what their fate was, so they asked God which way to live. I thought I need to try this too, but I have doubts at once, what if I am told to sell everything and I have, for example, to follow Jesus? But when you ask God, and it will be God’s will for you, you will no longer be able to not to do it, and there is a farm, a family, and loans. It is better then not to know the will of God at all. And so in doubting and fearing God, somewhere a month or one and half I delayed and did not asked about God’s will. But then, I thought, 3will be how it will be, I have to take a risk, but since there in the movie they questioned God’s will once, in reality, I said, I need to give God three chances, out of three – one normal. I will read the paragraph and see what the general idea is. I prayed before that. I opened bible for the first time and read. I don’t remember what the place of the bible was there, I didn’t save the scripture, but the general thought was, something about the job, but very vaguely. Well I guess God didn’t hit. Well any 1 out of 3. I’d opened a second time. Well, everything is clear here, the general idea is “pray”. I opened for the third time and read. And here too, everything is clear: “Talk to me (God).” Then I thought so, I came to the conclusion that if God hit it twice, it hit the third one too, only it was not very important. It doesn’t matter what kind of job I will do, only the last two things matter: pray and talk to God. Thank You, God, that You are guiding me.

What have I discovered about this in 7-8 years, wondered or tried it myself? I only ask God very important questions. Not more than 5-6 times a year, or less. The first safeguard is to ask God a question and ask for an answer in the Bible is needed ONLY IN THOUGHTS, not aloud, because most exorcists say the devils and angels don’t hear human thoughts, he can only predict, so he won’t know when we read the bible or ask something of God through the bible. Only God hears the mind of man, and He will answer. The second safeguard is to pray to God, that He would bind the devil so that He cannot mislead us with His tricks, so that if we are to be deceived, we are no longer will be guilty because we have asked God to protect our answer. And I believe that God will take care that His answer will not be distorted. Of course it is necessary to pray before you open the bible so that you will no longer open it, but He, God, will do it with your hands, He can do manage anything. I close my eyes and do it now on my phone or tablet. As far as I was concerned, I got the answer from the first question, but when the answer came at once very vague or not what I expected, I asked God for the second time and then I made conclusion from both answers, the general answer was usually the same, but in other words (Gideon asked God twice in the Bible through wool does God commanded him to save Israel Judges 6: 36-40 and God answered twice). A couple of times, because of an important thing, from the beginning I decided to ask three times, and both of those three times God answered very accurately, the things I needed to know or put accents there. When an ambiguous answer comes, I often need to either delve deeper into the answer or get some puzzle details in your life to see the full picture of that answer. It has been that I had to wait for 5 months to explain one part of the answer, only after that came the understanding of what it exactly means there. Sometimes it seems like you got a very clear answer, but it’s not clear how it will happen and then you start guessing whether it will be so or if it will be different, or when it will be and so on. Well, God loves riddles. I need to learn patience with God until He puts everything together as planned. I have to stand in faith and wait, and I am such a man of action, I find it hard to wait, but God teaches me to trust Him, and to allow Him to prepare everything first, to prepare myself, to receive that answer. The journey through life with God is exciting and amazing. He is a great interpreter and teacher. To Heavenly Daddy is thanks and praises through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah and amen.

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