Ether for God


Here I have put together various materials that help to maintain the spiritual level on a daily basis. Study. Listen to music, testimonies, lectures, read Bible that the evil one has less ether time in your mind. It is still very important to turn off that promoter of the spirit of the world – the television.

Worship songs

Worship songs are the tool that helps to keep the thoughts of God in mind throughout the day, thought about his love for us, his salvation, his deliverance. Listening this is as if the fire of God settles inside, floods with pleasant warmth, joy, peace, comes the desire to work, to act, fills the uplifting mood. I wish You to immerse daily into that water of God’s spirit that washes away the wrong stereotypes of thinking that the world has brought.

Go to prayer of repentance

People’s testimonies of how God changed their lives, teachings

At look for “testimony” query how people converted to Jesus from various religions.

Exorcist Chad Ripperger youtube channel Sensus fidelium. Lots of information on weapons of spiritual warfare and more.

Ex Satan Worshipper John Ramirez Testimony
Former kundalini yoga teacher turns to Christ
Dangers of witchcraft. My story of being an Ex-witch
Super motivation !!!
He didn’t care about God … but was in tears after hearing this