Prayer of repentance

Prayer of repentance


Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You as I am. I confess that I am a sinner, and I lack thy glory and honor. I believe in the Lord that two thousand years ago You died on the cross of Calvary, shedding Your precious, holy blood for me personally, because of my faults and sins. I believe that on the third day You have risen from the dead and are alive today, and by Your Spirit You are near me. Forgive me for all my faults and sins. Wash me with Thy holy blood from all that defile and bind me. Enter by my Spirit into my heart and into my life. Make me a child of God and give me eternal life. I accept You now. And believing with my heart I confess You with my lips, be the Savior of my soul, and the Lord of my life. Amen.